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  • Writer's pictureElissa Hebert

Growth Secrets: The Importance of Consistent Hair Trims in Your Beauty Routine

Regular hair trims every 6-8 weeks are essential to combat hair issues and maintain its overall health. Even if you're aiming for longer hair, regular trims are crucial for ensuring its well-being. Consistent trims contribute to reducing split ends, fostering healthier hair, and promoting faster growth. Regardless of your hair goals, occasional cuts are necessary, and if your hair has undergone chemical processes like coloring, more frequent trims are recommended. While it might seem counterproductive to come in for a trim for those wanting to keep a long hair appearance, keeping your hair in top shape involves a minor cut every two to three months, a practice that surprisingly works in achieving longer and thicker hair.

Indicators that it's time for a trim or cut include:

  1. Reduced hair elasticity

  2. Highly porous ends

  3. Easily breakable hair

Once your hair becomes unhealthy and damaged, a trim or significant cut becomes imperative for restoring it to a healthier state. Cutting past the damaged sections is often necessary to aid in healthy new growth, emphasizing the importance of regular maintenance for optimal hair health.

Our stylists look forward to discussing your goals and working towards a customized plan to achieve your desired results.

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